Rustic Wedding Bouquet Paris

November 19, 2015

We’ve been so lucky to have worked with some of the best Paris florist for bridal bouquets here in Paris. Today’s post is dedicated to one of our favorite floral teams that helps us create the most beautiful floral decor, bouquets and boutonniere; Les Herbes de Paris.

wedding bouquet paris

This one was from a rustic romantic shoot we did for French Wedding Style. We wanted to use lots of wild flowers, a mix of rich and pale colors yet have it come together in a very romantic way, And I think we hit the nail right on the head with this bouquet!

Personally, I’m a big fan of Dahlias, Peonies and Garden roses: big and so lush! But when the seasons over there are so many flowers and wild plants that we may not know about that can give us gorgeous bouquets of every color.

According to Martha Stewart – your favorite flower says a lot about you.  What does yours say?